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Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 22 Maj 2012 19:32 Naslov sporočila: Čaj lahko pomaga skrivati testosteron pri športnikih |
Raziskovalci iz univerze Kingston v Londonu so ugotovili, da bi lahko zeleni in beli čaji skrili nenormalne ravni testosterona pri športnikih.
Raziskava, ki potekala v Kingston londonski univerzi je pokazala, da lahko športniki prikrijejo nezakonit doping ( testosteron) s pitjem zelenega in belega čaja.
Raziskovalec študije Naughton je dejal da bi lahko imele ugotovitve pomembne posledice pri velikih športnih dogodkih, npr. kot so olimpijske igre 2012. "Mi smo porabili v zadnjih štirih letih raziskovanja in to, kar se zavedamo, da je prva študija, ki je ugotovila, da prehrana lahko spremeni presnovo testosterona," je dejal profesor Naughton. "Mi smo proučevali, kako se predvsem encim odziva na različna živila, da vidimo, če to vpliva na količino časa, nekaterih snovi ostanejo v telesu." Encim izločana testosteron preko urina in potencial, da se ne dobi dopinga je tolk večji, sestavine imenovane katehinov so prisotne v zelenih in belih čajih, ne pa v črnih.
To pomeni, da bodo lahko športniki poiskušali izboljšati njihovo zmogljivost nezakonito s testosteronom in bi lahko prikrili hormon s pitjem določene količine čaja.
"The catechins stop enzymes tagging molecules for excretion so the kidneys don't recognise them as needing to be removed and leave them circulating in the body," Professor Naughton explained. "We found that green and white tea could inhibit the enzyme by about 30 per cent. The levels of catechins in a strong cup of green tea matched those we used in our experiments."
"Ugotovili smo, da lahko zeleni in beli čaj zavirajo encim za približno 30 odstotkov."
"V ustavi katehini encimov označevanju molekule za izločanje, da ledvice ne prepozna, kot da bi morali odstraniti in jih pustite kroži po telesu," profesor Naughton pojasnil. "Ugotovili smo, da lahko zeleni in beli čaj zavira encim za približno 30 odstotkov. Ravni katehinov v močno skodelico zelenega čaja ujema ki smo jo uporabili v naših poskusov."
Encim zadevna izločanju testosterona preko urina in potencial, da dopinga masko se zgodi, ko sestavine imenovane katehinov - prisotnih v zeleni in beli čaj, ne pa v črno - to zavirajo. To pomeni, športniki poskušali izboljšati njihovo učinkovitost z nezakonito testosterona bi lahko prikrije zagon v hormona s pitjem določeno količino čaja.
While the team's findings were lab-based, if the same effect occurs in human bodies the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) may rethink its approach to drug testing. "WADA is aiming to add regular checks of blood steroids to its biological passports which monitor athletes for suspicious changes in their physiology," Olivier Rabin, WADA's science director, said. "That should foil any attempt to fool the urine test."
However Professor Naughton feels blood testing is probably not enough. "Our Kingston University research shows testing hair is a key way to pinpoint doping. Substances stay in the hair for longer and, more importantly, are not dependant on the enzyme affected by the teas," he said.
Profesor Naughton meni, da krvno testiranje verjetno ni dovolj. "Naše raziskave kažejo, da je testiranje las je ključni način, da se najde doping. Snovi, ki ostanejo v laseh dlje in, še pomembneje, ni odvisna od encima, na katerega vplivajo čaji," je dejal.
For athletes who don't resort to doping, the increased levels of testosterone from drinking green and white teas may provide a legal boost. "It's like having extra testosterone without actually taking any," Professor Naughton said. "By not excreting it from the body, athletes could potentially increase their testosterone levels for improved performance. Unless, of course, the body compensates for this and finds other ways of removing it, but we won't find out about that until the tests go to human studies. This research is just one part of the story."
For athletes who don't resort to doping, the increased levels of testosterone from drinking green and white teas may provide a legal boost. "It's like having extra testosterone without actually taking any," Professor Naughton said. "By not excreting it from the body, athletes could potentially increase their testosterone levels for improved performance. Unless, of course, the body compensates for this and finds other ways of removing it, but we won't find out about that until the tests go to human studies. This research is just one part of the story."
Vir: Kingston University (2012, May 21 ). Tea could aid Olympic cheating. ScienceDaily _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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