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Vitaminsko-mineralnih dodatki zmanjšajo nastanek raka

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Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27
Prispevkov: 2136
Kraj: Nova Gorica

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Feb 2012 05:38    Naslov sporočila: Vitaminsko-mineralnih dodatki zmanjšajo nastanek raka Odgovori s citatom

Redna uporaba vitaminsko-mineralnih dodatkov zmanjša tveganje za nastanek raka debelega črevesa

Ali lahko uporaba vitaminov in mineralnih dodatkov v redni prehrani pomaga zmanjšati tveganje za nastanek raka debelega črevesa in varujejo pred rakotvorne snovi? Študija, ki je bila napravljena na podganah je pokazala, da tiste, ki so dobivale redno multivitaminske in mineralne formule so pimele bistveno manjše tveganje za nastanek raka debelega črevesa.

"It has been unclear whether multivitamin supplementation to cancer patients is helpful, has no effect, or is even detrimental during therapy," commented Dr. Grant Pierce, Editor of CJPP. "This study is important because it gives some direction to cancer patients in desperate need of guidance on the value of multivitamins and minerals administered during cancer."
The authors studied rats that were fed a high-fat diet (20% fat) over a 32 week period. The rats were divided into 6 groups, which were exposed to different combinations of supplements and carcinogens; the colon carcinogenisis induced in the study rats has characteristics that mimic human colon cancer. Rats fed a high-fat plus low-fibre diet and exposed to carcinogens developed pre-cancerous lesions; whereas, rats undergoing similar treatment, but provided with daily multivitamin and mineral supplements, showed a significant (84%) reduction in the formation of pre-cancerous lesions and did not develop tumours.
The authors conclude that "multivitamin and mineral supplements synergistically contribute to the cancer chemopreventative potential, and hence, regular supplements of multivitamins and minerals could reduce the risk of colon cancer."

Vir: Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press) (2012, February 3 ). Regular use of vitamin and mineral supplements could reduce the risk of colon cancer, study suggests.
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