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Izgradnja mišic brez težkih uteži

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Kraj: Nova Gorica

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2012 14:41    Naslov sporočila: Izgradnja mišic brez težkih uteži Odgovori s citatom

Študija prikazuje, da je trening vadbe z nižjo intenzivnostjo, vendar z več ponovitvami lahko enako učinkovit trening za izgradnjo mišic kot trening z dvigovanjem težkih uteži.

"The perspective provided in this review highlights that other resistance protocols, beyond the often discussed high-intensity training, can be effective in stimulating a muscle building response that may translate into bigger muscles after resistance training," says lead author Nicholas Burd. "These findings have important implications from a public health standpoint because skeletal muscle mass is a large contributor to daily energy expenditure and it assists in weight management. Additionally, skeletal muscle mass, because of its overall size, is the primary site of blood sugar disposal and thus will likely play a role in reducing the risk for development of type II diabetes."

The authors from McMaster University conducted a series of experiments that manipulated various resistance exercise variables (e.g., intensity, volume, and muscle time under tension). They found that high-intensity muscle contractions derived from lifting heavy loads were not the only drivers of exercise-induced muscle development. In resistance-trained young men a lower workout intensity and a higher volume of repetitions of resistance exercise, performed until failure, was equally effective in stimulating muscle proteins as a heavy workout intensity at lower repetition rates. An additional benefit of the low-intensity workout is that the higher repetitions required to achieve fatigue will also be beneficial for sustaining the muscle building response for days.

V študiji so izvedli vrsto poskusov, ki manipulira različne spremenljivke vadbe odpornosti (npr. intenzivnost, obseg in čas mišice pod napetostjo).

Ugotovili so, da visoka intenzivnost krčenja mišic, pridobljeni pri dvigovanju težkih bremen, niso bili le edini vzrok za razvoj mišic.
Mlajši moški, ki so imeli nižjo intenzivnost vadbe in večji obseg ponovitev so imeli enake učinke pri spodbujanju mišičnih beljakovin kot pri intenzivni vadbi z večjim bremenom in z nižjim število ponovitev.

Vir: Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press) (2012, April 26 ). Building muscle without heavy weights. ScienceDaily.
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