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Vitamin D nas lahko varuje pozimi proti virusnimi okužbam

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Maj 2012 09:11    Naslov sporočila: Vitamin D nas lahko varuje pozimi proti virusnimi okužbam Odgovori s citatom

Vitamin D, ki je znan kot sonce vitaminov, vendar novo raziskovalno poročilo, navedeno v listu levkocitov biologije kaže, da je več kot to. Glede na poročilo, so nezadostne stopnje vitamina D v zvezi s pomanjkanjem naše prirojene imunske obrambe, ki nas varujejo pred okužbami in boleznimi. Raven vitamina D je zmanjšala jeseni in pozimi, ko so dnevi krajši in sonce je relativno šibkejše. To lahko pojasnite, zakaj so ljudje bolj dovzetni za virusne okužbe v teh časih. Študija predlaga tudi, da povečamo uživanje vitamina D, še posebej pri starejših populacijah, lahko okrepi naravno imunost proti ljudi virusnih okužb.

"There are numerous studies showing the benefits of maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels. As more and more research into Vitamin D is conducted, we are learning that it is extremely important for human health. Our study is no different, and vitamin D supplements should be considered one of many tools that might help when conventional therapies are not enough," said Victor Manuel Martinez-Taboada, M.D., a researcher involved in the work from the Division of Rheumatology at the Hospital Universitario "Marque's de Valdecilla," Facultad de Medicina at the Unversidad de Cantabria, in Santander, Spain.
To make this discovery, the researchers compared the changes in the blood levels of vitamin D among three groups of healthy subjects: young (age range: 20-30), middle (age range: 31-59), and elderly (age range: 60-86). They found decreased levels of vitamin D with aging, prompting researchers to compare whether such changes kept any relationship with toll-like receptor (TLR) expression measured on lymphocytes and monocytes and function after in vitro stimulation with specific ligands for each of the nine human TLRs and measurement of effector molecules, such as proinflammatory cytokines. Specifically, they found that the TRL most affected by a vitamin D insufficiency is TLR7, which regulates the immune response against viruses. Finally, scientists studied whether there was any difference in the three age groups depending on the season of the year since it is well known that a limited sun exposure during darker winter months is related with vitamin D deficiency.
"Any school teacher will tell you that people tend to be sicker during the winter than any other time of the year," said John Wherry, Ph.D., Deputy Editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. "There have been numerous studies showing several environmental factors during winter months may allow viruses to spread easier. This study shows that sunlight, or more precisely the lack of vitamin D, could have a role in the seasonally higher rates of infection. More extensive studies must be conducted for this link to be conclusive, but since vitamin D supplements are inexpensive and generally safe, this is a really exciting discovery."

Vir: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2012, April 30 ). Vitamin D may protect against viral infections during the winter. ScienceDaily.
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